Laminate Dental Treatment

Laminate veneer coating (leaf porcelain coatings) is one of the most preferred restoration applications in aesthetic dental surgery. Laminate literally means thin layer, and veneer means coating. When translated into Turkish, it means thin coating and is also called laminate tooth in our country. Veneers are generally applied in cases of extreme color disorders that cannot be changed with teeth whitening, in the correction of the appearance of discrete teeth (diastema), in teeth with worn and deformed surfaces, and in teeth that are broken and damaged to a certain extent. Its production continues with the measurement of the tooth surfaces after thinning them a certain amount and producing teeth in the desired shape and color. Laminate coating is attached to the surface of the tooth with resin-based adhesive and an aesthetic appearance is obtained. This coating method is usually used in the restoration of the upper teeth in the front. The suitability of the tooth for use on the lower jaw or other tooth surfaces is determined by the doctor’s examination.

What are the advantages of laminate teeth?

In cases where you cannot smile confidently due to decay, abrasion, fracture or structural anomalies, it is possible to give your teeth a natural beauty with this method. While fillings and full veneers were previously the only solution in such negative situations, today there are new alternatives such as laminate treatment. The advantages of this new application;

  • A healthy and natural appearance is achieved in a very short time with a small intervention,
  • It is enough to open a slot in your tooth as wide as a nail (which may not always be necessary),
  • They are made of strong, colorfast and durable materials.
  • It is only possible to have the aesthetic features you want without damaging the natural structure of your teeth with laminate veneers. Either no changes are made to the tooth or the result can be made more perfect with a small correction. The amount removed from the tooth is already limited to 0.3-0.7 mm. Thus, no tooth needs to be cut (reduced).
  • The laboratory phase of the treatment is only 3-4 days. However, in smile design, it can take up to 3-4 weeks for your lips to adapt to your new appearance at the end of this period. We recommend some lip exercises and reading during this adaptation period. At the end of this period, you can smile comfortably with your new teeth that are completely integrated with your face and are definitely not noticeable as artificial.
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